Master Conversational Italian.
Reconnect with Your Heritage.

TRANSFORM your life by embracing your roots &
speaking with Italian friends and family.

⬇️ Grab our FREE Pronunciation Guide + 10 Phrases You Can Use Instantly with Friends and Family ⬇️

I help people with Italian heritage become conversational so they can…

connect more deeply with their roots and speak confidently with family and friends.

The Italian Toolkit helps you:

  • PERFECT your Italian pronunciation so you can express yourself confidently with family and friends
  • CONNECT with your Italian heritage on a deeper level by surrounding yourself with others who share the same passion
  • INTERACT confidently so you can finally feel included with family, friends, native speakers, and our amazing community

Get your FREE Pronunciation Guide + 10 Phrases You Can Use Instantly with Friends and Family ⬇️

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